Mental Health Resources
South Essex Community Council (SECC) is excited to provide a list of Mental Health Resources for a number of organization in Windsor and Essex County.
“Our hope is that individuals will be able to use this list to access the various Mental Health Resources in our community,” shares SECC Job Developer Sandy Boivin. On top of her role in SECC’s Career Hub, Sandy is the facilitator for Mental Health First Aid Training. Through the Green Shield Canada (GSC) Community Investment Granting Initiative from the WindsorEssex Community Foundation and Green Shield Canada (GSC), SECC is able to provide FREE Mental Health First Aid Training to Employers and Service Providers.
“Living in a diverse community, we prioritized providing the list of resources in a few different languages,” noted Stephen Gard, SECC’s Manager of Programs and Development. “To date, we have translated it into Arabic, French, Spanish, and Burmese, and will continue to translate the document in requested languages.”
If you are interested in an additional translation, please email
If there are additional services to be added into this list, please email
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Mental Health Resources
Ressources en Santé Mentale
موارد الصحة العقلية
Recursos de Salud Mental
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