Literacy & Basic Skills

Literacy & Basic Skills

This program provides training in math, reading and basic work skills to help you reach employment, education and independence goals. Our staff will meet with you to assess your skills and education goals and develop a plan to help you achieve them. Day and evening classes are available as well as one-on-one tutoring for more intensive support.

Learning Portal

Unable to make it into the office but want to get the most out of your employment and training experience? Watch our informative workshops in the comfort of your own home. SECC presents some of our most popular workshops in an online format for you. Check back often as new topics are regularly added.

Interested in a topic you don’t see here? Offer workshop suggestions by clicking here Learning Exchange is a free, flexible learning offering to help you build the knowledge and skills to get a job and succeed on the job. You have access to 100+ courses and resources. Most courses are just 15 minutes long and you can access them anytime, anyplace. Contact us for a free login.

View the Learning Portal
Workforce Windsor-Essex

Resources and Information

Resources and Information is your first stop within the Employment Services program.

  • Local training, employment and job fair opportunities updated regularly
  • Community service supports
  • Free computer access
  • Internet access, telephones, faxing, printing and photocopying services
  • Local Labour Market information
  • Educational programming guides

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