Windsor Essex Pride Parade
Market Square, Windsor 2109 Ottawa St, Windsor, CanadaSECC staff and clients will march in the Windsor Essex Pride Parade.
SECC staff and clients will march in the Windsor Essex Pride Parade.
Join us at Faith Mennonite for a day service providing social, recreational and personal support to clients and respite. Contact SECC to register!
All youth between the ages of 14-24 are welcome to join us at the bridge.
Career Hub offers group intake services; no appointment is required. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10 am and 2 pm in Leamington, Kingsville, and Windsor Offices.
This event will bring a group using Leamington to Windsor transit bus #42 to St Clair College and then transfer using Windsor transit to travel to Devonshire Mall. The purpose of this trip is to build confidence using public transportation to travel to Windsor.
All youth in grades 6, 7, and 8 are welcome to join us at LUMC.
Career Hub offers group intake services; no appointment is required. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10 am and 2 pm in Leamington, Kingsville, and Windsor Offices.
Join us at Faith Mennonite for a day service providing social, recreational and personal support to clients and respite. Contact SECC to register!
Career Hub offers group intake services; no appointment is required. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10 am and 2 pm in Leamington, Kingsville, and Windsor Offices.
This information session will introduce clients to the We Value assessment.
For adults willing to improve their Reading, Writing, Math, and Computer skills
Career Hub offers group intake services; no appointment is required. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10 am and 2 pm in Leamington, Kingsville, and Windsor Offices.