How to Donate by Cheque or Online
Thank you for supporting South Essex Community Council (SECC). To donate, please choose one of the following options:
Donate by Cheque:
Mail your cheque to:
South Essex Community Council
215 Talbot St. East
Leamington, Ontario N8H 3X5
If you would like your donation to support a specific program or project, please include a note specifying your preference when submitting your donation.
Donate online:
If you would like to donate online, please fill out the form here.
Planned Giving And Bequests
Your gift can make a significant difference in ensuring vital services and support for vulnerable individuals in our community. By leaving a gift to South Essex Community Council (SECC) in your will, trust, or beneficiary designation, you leave a lasting legacy that reflects your values and strengthens our programs for years to come. Charitable bequests may also offer tax advantages. Please consult your attorney to learn more about updating your will or adding SECC as a beneficiary.