Our Board

The SECC Board of Directors is a policy board, focusing on governance, policy and strategic planning. The Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except during the months of July and August, and all Board meetings are public.

The SECC Board of Directors is a policy board, focusing on governance, policy and strategic planning. The Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except during the months of July and August, and all Board meetings are public.

Harpreet Singh (Chair)

Harpreet works locally in a Plant Management position since moving to Leamington in 1999 after years of living in BC. As a Sikh, Harpreet strongly believes in spreading love and being involved in service opportunities. After the tornado in 2010, he was helping manty individuals clean the trees on their yards, and continuously heard about SECC. He knew he wanted to get involved, and has spent the last 10+ years involved in the agency, from a Friendly Visitation volunteer to a member of the Board of Directors.

“Bringing positive change in my community is my passion,” Harpreet shared. He believes strongly in getting involved in the community in anyway you can.

Heather MacPherson (Vice-Chair)

Heather is a Partner in the CPA firm Hicks, MacPherson, Iatonna & Driedger LLP. After obtaining her CPA degree, Heather was looking to get involved and SECC was recommended to her. Heather has been on SECC’s Board of Directors since 2005. She is currently the Board Chair, but has also been the Treasurer and general Board Member.

When asked her favourite part of being on the Board, she answered, “With so many programs, it’s something new every meeting. We have the ability to help in more ways than one and give back to many people at the same time.”

If Heather is not with her family, she loves to be outside whether it be running, biking, walking, or even sitting and enjoying her surroundings. She also loves to travel!

Art Krueger

Art Krueger is retired from Chrysler Canada after 35 years and was the Disability Coordinator for all of Chrysler Canada. He first got involved with SECC when his church sponsored a family from Syria, and has been on the Board of Directors since 2017. As a Board Member, he uses his experience as a member on the Governance Committee.

Art says, “I see the dedication of the staff and how they genuinely help the people they serve.” Because of his experience with his church sponsoring a family from Syria, he is really passionate about the staff’s involvement with newcomers to the area.

Art likes to spend his free time going for walks at the marina. He also has really enjoyed camping.

Heather Latam

Heather is an Educator with the Greater Essex County District School Board and a Local Union Leader. In a conversation with a colleague and friend, Heather learned about the opportunity to join SECC’s Board of Directors. With her encouragement, Heather applied, and attended her first meeting in December of 2018.

Heather states “I am particularly proud of the work SECC does for newcomers and people who struggle with providing food and warmth to their families. Many of the services SECC offers translates into assistance for these people.” As a client of SECC years ago, Heather knows the impact and knows the importance of ensuring quality services for our community.

In her free time, Heather loves to travel with her family. Whether the adventures are close to home or across the world, they cherish the time being together and experiencing new places.