Adult Day Program

This program is a supervised day service providing social, recreational and personal support to clients, and respite, information and referral services for their caregivers.   All staff are trained in Gentle Persuasive Approaches, Dementia Friendly Communities Training, and Non-Violent Crisis Intervention.

Hours of Operation

Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9:30 am – 3:30 pm

You may attend every day that the program is operational or select specific days to attend.

Daily Attendance Fee

The cost to attend the program is $30 per day.

This cost includes morning and afternoon snacks, a hot meal for lunch, refreshments, and program and activity supplies.


Transportation to and/or from the program can be arranged for an additional daily charge of $15-20 (depending on where you live) .


Faith Mennonite Church

269 Sherk St, Municipality Of Leamington, ON N8H 3K9

This space is completely accessible.

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