50 Faces of SECC – Yusuf
The Arafa family, from Libya, arrived in Canada with their two children in December of 2018. The mom, Samira, began SECC’s English classes in 2019 and both of her boys attended the Care for Newcomer Children (CNC) program while Samira attended classes. When COVID-19 hit, classes were delivered virtually, and Samira had her third child, Yusuf.
Yusuf started attending the Care for Newcomer Children program in September of 2022. He was one of the youngest enrolled. In the beginning, Yusuf was nervous to attend. By week two he would start pointing and laughing before turning into the driveway at SECC. Yusuf would say, “teacher, teacher!” His English language started to explode.
All activities provided in the program are play-based and planned, based on the children’s interests, and all while helping them learn English. Yusuf took an interest in all things sensory and crafts as well. During drop off, Samira would often tell the staff about all the songs Yusuf sang at home. In November of 2022, the Arafa’s became Canadian Citizens. This was a bittersweet moment for the Arafa’s and Yusuf, because that typically means the children can no longer attend CNC. Samira was happy with the amount of English that Yusuf was learning but sad that he could no longer attend. The following day Samira got the good news that children can continue in the CNC program until parents complete their current level of English. Samira was overjoyed that Yusuf could continue CNC. On January 24, 2023, Samira told SECC staff that she would be completing her English courses and both she and Yusuf would no longer be attending. Samira plans to attend College while her husband works full time. Samira said, “I am happy to be finished classes but that means no more school for Yusuf, which is sad. He was on a routine 6 days a week with CNC and Arabic school on Saturdays. Sundays were his only day off and he would ask for his teacher on that day.”
There is no doubt that Yusuf will continue to develop, grow, and learn. Maybe one day we will see Yusuf’s art in a high-end art gallery. Until then, it hangs proudly on the fridge at home.
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